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Internship: Fall 2016

CODE Abogados 


While studying abroad in Seville, Spain during the Fall 2016 semester, I had the privilege of working with a highly qualified team of Spanish lawyers and tax advisers at CODE Abogados y Asesores Tributarios. During the seven weeks that I spent with CODE, I was able experience first-hand Spanish business culture, analyze the similarities and differences between the North American and Spanish legal systems, and advance my professional Spanish speaking skills and vocabulary. 

It is important to articulate the fact that a traditional internship, as many university students in the United States pursue before graduating and entering the professional world as a permanent employee, is not common for students in Spain. CODE Abogados has done a great job working around this cultural norm to provide many students, myself included, with a worthwhile, beneficial internship experience. 

I was responsible for completing four tasks and reading two books while working as an intern at CODE. Links to extensive notes that were taken, personal reflections that were written, and legal documents that were translated can be accessed using the buttons on the left. Additionally, I have included an essay written after my internship was completed that highlights my overall experience at CODE and compares North American and Spanish business culture. Note: this essay is written in Spanish.

I was given considerable freedom in my approach to handling the tasks and reading the books. I created my own schedule and set my own goals. This allowed me to strengthen my time management skills and experience firsthand working under loose orders from management. Documentation of these goals and the plan for their execution was collected in Google Drive, and screenshotted photos can be seen to the left along with an illustration of the office layout.

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